Showing posts with label Narnia. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Narnia. Show all posts

February 14, 2011

What the Lion told me

I started training for a half marathon this week, and I skipped one day of running. It was actually my long day too. Saturday: 5 miles.

I'm not usually a skipper of training days, especially long days because those are the ones where I can relax, turn my brain off of life, and often find inspiration for my writing. (Which, on a side note, I have been very inspired this week... I think I may take a crack at novel writing. Fiction has never really been my strong point in writing, I like real life too much but I'm ready for something different this year. And since my husband has been a very strong encouragement to my writing, and since I'm not in school to research and write seminar papers, and since I feel like I have that dreaded block in every other area of writing, I've been jotting down plot lines and character sketches, and novel ideas. Hmm... we'll see. )

But back to my running. Yes, I actually skipped a day, and I'm not put out about it. That's part of the enduring. Sometimes, you just have to go with life. Which is exactly what I'm trying to embrace right now.