You know it’s going to be a good day when you wake up to this on Facebook
And then there’s the fact that it’s
I mean, come on, what’s more perfect than that?
It’s been a nice Wednesday.
I mean, I’m exhausted for some reason, I have two tests to study for, and a meeting tonight, but can I share some silly joys with you?
Like this for breakfast
I LOVE these bagels. But usually they are all abnormally shaped and squished.
But I’m weird and I get this silly little joy when I pull out an almost perfectly round bagel.
It just makes me happy.
So um. Try these. If you slather it with Nutella, it makes the PERFECT breakfast.
I think I may get in trouble for this, but here goes nothing.
I don’t drink a lot of milk while Music Man is away. In fact, I often indulge in soy milk instead of regular because I’m not buying gallons of the regular stuff which I don’t really like.
See, when he’s around he is a milk fiend. Right after we first got married, I went for our biweekly grocery shopping and loaded up the cart with 4 gallons. I had an older couple ask me how many kids we have.
I told them one big one.
And so, since I buy so much milk, I accommodate and after running I make up a nice glass of chocolate milk for my after to help rebuild protein.
But, I’m lazy this week and I indulged in this
Which is going to get me in trouble because I always buy the great value brand and not the “good stuff” Prairie Farms for Music Man.
Guess I better drink it all before he gets home.
I headed to the gym this morning before class to get a quick mile in and to spend time with my new best friend.
And look, if I order online I can have one in 5 days.
It’s only half a year’s rent practically. No big deal or anything.
I faltered for a minute this morning though. I mean, I really wanted to run for National Running Day, but with choices like these, I had a big decision to make.
It’s like the stairstepper/elliptical from the future!
Who wouldn’t want to try it out.
Don’t worry… I have 1.5 years until I’m finished with my certification. Plenty of time to makes some more friends.
I did wear what I’ve dubbed my “sexy shorts” though.
They always make my running much better.
I don’t know if you’ve heard of Aepaeris Pivot shorts or not, but you should check them out. I’ve been trying them for a few weeks now to get up some good info for a review, so stay tuned.
Anyway, I love them.
They are the hardest piece of compression gear to put on just right, but when you do… oh boy… that glute pain I’ve been having.
It. Disappears.
I got one mile in before class. Just enough hard work for me to head to class sweaty and smelly.
What can I say. I want my classmates to remember me.
Alright, this was supposed to be short and sweet. I want to head out for a couple more miles since I’ve got a night of reading ahead.
I definitely need to wake up a bit.
And I’ve got to do something about this tonight.
Either JJ’s separation anxiety is starting to show or his violent streak is growing.
All I know is that I am not leaving my First Christmas teddy bear lying around.
He’d probably eat it.
Have a good Wednesday evening folks. Get out and run tonight!
Find some joy! Then tell me!
Passing the Baton: What were your little joys today? Did you make it out for National Running Day? What was your mileage? Should I put the monkey and sheep out of their misery or patch them back up?
Seek Peace. Choose Joy. Find Strong.