May 16, 2012

Weakness Wednesday: Working on the Back

After a late night last night, I decided to curl up in bed and stay there as long as I could this morning. Suffice it to say, I didn’t get any yoga in before heading to work.

I didn’t get any in after work either. In fact, I’m sitting here blogging about yoga to pump myself up about my practice. I’m thinking a little something like this tonight

Ok. Not really. But someday I would seriously love to be able to hold that pose. I  mainly do yoga to release my muscles from all my training, but I also use it to help balance my crazy life and de-stress myself. But sometimes I get bored. So look at all the crazy balancing poses on pinterest and wish I was that cool.
Then I tell myself that maybe someday I’ll be able to focus enough on yoga and use it as a challenge to really find balance. Probably when my hamstring blows out and I’m forced to quit running forever.
But I’m not thinking about that tonight.
Instead, I think I’ll focus on bridge pose

Slightly more my style, a bit of a core workout, and hopefully some release to the trouble spot in my back.
Time to get practicing.


Passing the Baton: Do any of you suffer from chronic back pain? Or, are you like me and have a super tight lower back from running/lifting? If so, have you tried yoga? Any poses you like that help the hurt?