I missed getting my train tickets this week, so I’m driving to campus.
Which isn’t bad because it means I have all the time in the world to workout after class, then head home.
But it didn’t happen today.
I have no idea how Monday hit me, but it did.
I am exhausted.
So I skipped the gym.
Seriously. That sounds lame even to me.
So I’ve made up my mind.
Since I’m not about to drive 40 minutes to hit up the gym, I’m thinking this will be my workout tonight.
Easy enough for some living room working out.
I’ll probably change up a couple, though, since I don’t have weights, but if I do several circuits…I’ll get a good strength workout in.
I’m learning that motivation is all about me.
If I don’t want to work out, I’m not going too.
But I’m also learning that just skipping the gym after class isn’t an excuse.
I can whine all day about not having a gym close by that I can afford, or not having fitness classes to attend, but guess what.
I know how to lift, and I own resistance bands, a medicine ball, and a yoga mat.
That’s plenty of equipment to get in a workout.
And the park that’s only half a mile run from my house has a fitness trail with brand new equipment.
So even if today isn’t a cardio day according to my 5 week mileage schedule I built to get me to this marathon plan
Because if I ever want abs like this,
I’ve got to get my mindset right.
ps…I’d say I’ll probably never have abs like this, but if I tell myself that, then I’m just setting myself up for failure.
And motivation is all about burning excuses.
Passing the Baton: Do you feel crappy if you skip the gym because of some lame excuse you made? How you do motivate yourself to get moving at the end of the day? Do you go to a gym? Do you workout at home? If so, I need some good home workout suggestions (dvd titles welcome!)
Find Strong.